JWA President

I bring you greetings on behalf of the St. John Regular Baptist District Association Junior Women’s Auxiliary and my home church, Rehoboth Baptist Church under the leadership of Rev. Ray Hendricks.

I can remember as a child going to Junior Mission meeting with my mom, past St. John District Junior Mission President Sandra Hendricks, and marching around the tabernacle on Saturday and seeing a sea of pink and green filling the pews from the front to the back. Those memories along with many others has me excited about the future of the Junior Women’s Auxiliary and even more excited about being used by God.

We have some exciting things planned this year and we are looking forward to doing some kingdom building during this term. My beliefs are aligned with the JWA Watchword, “whatever He wills, I will”, and I believe wholeheartedly in God’s plan and I know that He will always have his way.